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St. Peter’s HSS, Royapuram

St. Peter’s High School in Royapuram, Chennai as per the decision of the 7th Extraordinary Provincial Chapter (1992) was annexed to Trichy Region thought it was in the heart of Madras sector which came under Yercaud Region. After the division of the Province Bro. Jeyamani was appointed as Local Superior and H.M. of St. Peter’s School and he was succeeded in 1998 by Bro. Jesuraj, a very dynamic and daring young brother. The very next year in June (1999) the school was raised into the status of a Higher Secondary, which was welcomed, by parents, teachers and well-wishers.

Having upgraded the school, the headmaster had to toil day and night for providing necessary infrastructures to the students. The local community and the teachers came out with a major project to construct a new building for additional classrooms and laboratories at a cost of around Rs. 88 lakhs. The council sanctioned the project and permitted the community to raise the fund either locally or from funding agencies. The community of brothers and the school teachers spared no effort to mobilize the required fund through various programs and benefactors including the local political leaders. Surmounting all obstacles from the trustees and with brave hearts the brothers and the teachers completed the project in record time. A marvelous feat indeed! A magnificent structure with 39 classrooms and well-equipped labs and a computer lab was blessed by Most Rev. Dr. Aruldas James on 30-08-2001 and inaugurated by Hon’ble Minister for Electricity Mr. Jeyakumar during a colourful function attended by hundreds of people from various sections of the locality. It is good to recall here that the new Science lab “Delorme Montfort Science Block” was inaugurated by Rev. Bro. Rene Delorme, Superior General, on 04-12-2000 and on 25-06-2001 the computer lab “Montfort Computer Academy” by Rev. Bro. Sirichai Fonseka, Asst. General.

After three years of hard work, Bro. Jesuraj was transferred to Santhome Hr. Sec. School and Bro. James Paulraj succeeded him in Royapuram. Being a novice to the art of headmastership, and yet with his youthfulness and dynamism he has taken the reins firmly to keep the school on the road map of success and achievements. He too strives hard to provide the much needed space and building for the poor children of the Primary School for which the construction process is on. We must remember that in spite of giving total attention and energy to the task of providing infrastructures, our brothers never bypassed other curricular and co-curricular activities in the school.

Montfort Brothers of St.Gabriel