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St.Josephs Hr. Sec. School, Susaigiri, Yercaud


At the beginning of 20th century, the priest started a Tamil medium school in Yercaud. It flourished until the death of teacher,Mr. Manuel. Then slowly the number of students began decreasing and the school became almost non-existent. In 1917, Bro. Denis took charge of the school. It was shifted to the Montfort Anglo Indian School campus near the school bakery which was near the present 2nd main games field. Later on it was shifted to near the min well abutting the present Dhobi shed area. It was named at St. Joseph’s Elementary School. Later ,Bro. Augustine Novello assisted him. The First Indian Brother of St. Gabriel, Bro. Louis Mary served here as a Headmaster from 1926 to 1933.

In 1933, the school was handed back to Parish priest and it was shifted to the Parish premises. At the end of March 1944, the management of this school was again given back to the Brothers by Fr. Hendry, Salem Bishop and Fr. Hourmant who was Diocesan Inspector of schools. Bro. Louis Mary was appointed to supervise the school. In 1948 school was upgraded as Higher Elementary School during the period of Bro. Antony Fransisco.

From 1958 to 1960, Bro. Leo, 1960 to 1962. Bro. Vattalis were in charge of the school and worked for its development. From 1962 to 1968 Bro. M.P.John was the Headmaster. During this period, Gonzaga Sister and later Sister of Immaculate Conception of Pondicherry joined the staff. In 1968, Bro. Eric Davidsamy became the Headmaster and the school was raised into High school. During the academic year 1982-83, Bro. Thomas Thottiyil was the Headmaster.

In 1983, Bro. R.V. Thomas became the Correspondent and Headmaster. As a result of his untiring efforts ,the High School sections were shifted to a new site-susaigiri. This new site measuring around six acres was gifted by Government. To serve the hill tribes of Yercaud, a Technical Institute was started in 1987 at Susaigiri. Mrs. Mertyle Walkins, a rich lady from England, generously supported Bro. R.V. Thomas economically and morally towards the construction of the High School and I.T.I buildings. The Brothers of St. Gabriel are ever appreciative of this vital invitiative taken by Bro. R.V.Thomas. The students past,present and future who benefit from these institutions (school and I.T.I) should remain ever grateful to his pioneering work of Bro. R.V. Thomas. Bro. R.V. Thomas, later went on become a priest and today, he is serving the aged and sick in the Kodai and Dindigul areas in Tamilnadu.

In June 1987, a community was established. Since then, the school has grown with the service rendered by many Brothers. Bro. K.V. Thomas, Bro. Irudayam, Bro A. Augustine, Bro. T.J. John, Bro. Paulson. Bro. P.C. Thomas, Bro. Jlim Thekkan, Bro. M.K.Joseph, Bro. P.J. John, Bro. V.U. Thomas, Bro. V.L. Thomas, Bro. Abraham Pralel, Bro. K.A Paul, Bro. Jose Kannampuzha and Bro. Jacob Pynadath are the Brothers who have toiled for the development of this school. Their Yeoman service has empowered the educational status and life of the tribal children of Yercaud.

In 1998, Bro. Abraham Pralel was appointed Superior and Bro. Paul Kaiprambat Headmaster. From 1999-2005, Bro. Paul was also the Superior. During 2003-04, Bro. Jose Kannampuzha was in charge of Technical Institute. in June 2004, Bro. Jacob Pynadath joined the community as he had just retired officially as teacher. During 2005-06, Bro. T.J. John was the Superior. Bro. Paul was the Headmaster for 8 years, (1998-2006) and Bro. T.J. John was teacher, bursar and warden. the playground was leveled and a stage at one corner was erected. A small piece of land was bought along with Montfort school and a well was dug. On the whole the school did very well in studies and games.


Rev. Bro. Dennis
Rev. Bro. Lazar Montfort.
Rev .Bro. Louis Mary.
Rev .Bro. Dominic Mary.
Rev .Bro. Antony Francisco.
Rev .Bro. Montfort of the cross.
Rev .Bro. Leo
Rev .Bro. Vitalis
Rev .Bro. M.P John
Rev .Bro .Eric David Samy
Rev .Bro .Thomas Thottiyil
Rev .Bro .R.V. Thomas
Rev .Bro .A. Augustine
Rev .Bro .K.V. Thomas
Rev .Bro .T .J .John
Rev .Bro. P.C. Thomas
Rev. Bro. P.J. John
Rev. Bro. V.L. Thomas
Rev. Bro.Abraham Pralel
Rev. Bro. K.A. Paul
Rev. Bro. M.K. Joseph
Rev. Bro. Jacob Pynadath
Rev. Bro. Soosai Alangaram
Rev. Bro. Irudayam
Rev. Bro. Oliver
Rev. Bro. V.U. Thomas
Rev. Bro. Paulson
Rev. Bro. Jim Thekkan
Rev. Bro. Jose Kannampuzha
Rev. Bro. M.Amalanathan

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St. Joseph’s Primary & Hr.Sec.School
Susaigiri, Yercaud-636 601
Salem Dt. Tamil Nadu

Ph. No. : : 04281-222344 (0), 222774 (R)
222110 (Primary – O)

E-Mail: [email protected]

Community (2019 – 2020)

Bro. Britto Lourdhusamy – LS, HM & Correspondent

Bro. Amalraj N – Bursar

Bro. Jacob Pynadath