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The Good News Jesus proclaimed was the “Kingdom of God” and he asked his disciples to go and proclaim it to the ends of the world (Mt 28: 19-20). Mission is the path to holiness and it is the universal vocation of all those who are baptised in Christ. The Charism we received is a gift of the Holy Spirit given to us for the world; we have an obligation to share it with all.

As members of the Montfortian Family, inspired by spirituality and charism of St. Montfort, we believe that the spiritual path he trod in his days can continue to inspire us even today, in the way we relate ourselves to God and to others. Just like every human being, Montfort, during his life was looking for a way that leads to true happiness, which he calls wisdom. The best way he had found was to search and imitate Jesus, the true Wisdom.

As his disciples, we, religious and laity, have chosen to follow Montfort on that difficult, but blessed path. This Montfortian Charism and Spirituality, the Montfortian Family with Collaborators and Associates volunteers to live, share and promote.


Bro. Christy Raj A.        – Convener

Bro. Britto Lourdusamy    – Member

Bro. K.M. Thomas              – Member

Bro. Amalanathan              – Member

Bro. David Selvaraj             – Member

Bro. John David                  – Member

Montfort Brothers of St.Gabriel