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Lourdu Annai Higher Sec. School, Kanakkankuppam

In May 1983, the province accepted the invitation from the Archdiocese of Pondicherry to start a high school at Kanakkankuppam. In June 1983, Bro. Davidsamy was appointed Headmaster. He resided in the presbytery and classes VI-IX were very close to the primary school. The parish provided 5 acres of land. Later the Province bought two acres of land. Bro. Davidsamy built a room for himself and a shed for classrooms. In 1985, Bro. Davidsamy shifted the school there. During the second half of 1986, Bro. Oliver looked after the construction work of the school building. On Jan. 6, 1988, this school building was blessed by Card. Lourdusamy. In May 1988, Bro. Davidsamy was transferred to Bangalore.

From 1988-93, Bro. Irudaya Michael was superior and Headmaster. Brothers’ Quarters were constructed and later another building to house classrooms was put up. From 1993-96, Bro. Paul Kaiprambat was Superior and Headmaster. During this period a hall was constructed with funds received from Manos Unidas, Spain. From 1996-98, Bro. Irudaya Michael was Superior and Headmaster. In May 1998, the school was handed over to the Trichy Province.

In May 1998, Bro. Johnson S was appointed Superior and Headmaster. From 1999-2003, Bro. V.C. Mani was Superior and Headmaster. During these five years (1998-03), the school did well academically and otherwise. From 2003-06, Bro. I. John Xavier was Superior and Headmaster. In 2004, the school was upgraded into a higher secondary school and a building was constructed with assistance from people Development Multiple Society and in 2005 Montfort Centenary Building was constructed. The school progressed well during these three years.

In June 2006, Bro. Issac was appointed Superior and Headmaster. In 2008, Silver Jubilee of the school was celebrated in a grand manner and a Silver Jubilee building was constructed to provide laboratories and other facilities. During 2009-10, the community consisted of Bros. Issac, Easudoss and David Raja. The school gives utmost importance to faith formation of the students along with spiritual and moral formation and value education. Curricular and co-curricular activities are well organized.

Montfort Brothers of St.Gabriel